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本校具多位資深藝術家任職繪畫老師從事美術教育工作多年,曾編輯出版兒童繪畫,幼兒繪畫。 創想系列教材注重孩子繪畫能力與藝術情感的心智培養, 在教學的過程中能夠充分調動學生的興趣, 將學生的視覺與生活緊密的結合在一起, 提高對事物的觀察能力與思維能力。兒童畫卡通畫 時裝畫,素描 色彩(水彩, 油畫 丙稀畫)

設計手繪, 少兒國畫, 電腦插畫。

 Our school has many experienced painting, drawing, and sketching artists who serve as our art teachers. Many of them have published drawing books for children. They also have a plan to perfect a child's fundamental in skills and artistic emotions. Our teacher will try to arouse the student's interest during class and enhance the outsight and critical thinking which help students combine their vision and daily life. Children's drawing, Cartoon, fashion, sketching, water coloring, oil painting and much more!

 (Our school offers one-on-one tutoring in English and math and High School Courses to enhance SHSAT PSAT and SAT.)

學校致力於培養學生擁有藝術氣質,内涵及修養 並且幫助學生進行鋼琴, 提琴, 樂理, 吉他, 黑管, 唱歌等 英皇鑑定和NYSSMA鑑定順利考上理想大學. 由於校長出生於音樂世家並且出生在美國。我校具有中西結合教法教師均為名牌音樂學校畢業, 獨特教法為每一位學生量身定制特推出主動學習法不停的讓孩子受到啟發, 不停的動腦舉一反三觸類旁通, 每堂課程在興趣愉快的鼓勵中接受新知識,新技巧, 如鋼琴或小提琴, 我們特別重視讀譜的基本功練習, 化整為零, 使繁複的樂理學贯穿於每節教學課中, 聚沙山, 重拾孩子對音樂的興趣, 可使孩子在3~5年的訓練後, 其閱讀及彈奏的能力超過許多音樂學院的畢業生, 每一位學鋼琴及學小提琴的學生, 如期完成指定的課程每年二期考試的同學都得到最高分。我們深信學校長久辦下去, 将有更多的奇蹟出現 。


The Happy music Arts and Science Center's students, faculty, staff, and families form a strong and caring community with a unified commitment towards our mission and principles. With our school leader's background, our school combines both Eastern and Western tradition in education in Art and Music. Every student requires individualized learning and teaching. All of our school teachers go through rigorous training in order to teach with the success accomplished by our Principal. Our teachers customize teaching plans to each student which will inspire and encourage our students to learn in a pleasant environment. We believe that education such as Art and Music brings students new knowledge and skills that are not found in everyday education. With a planned agenda set, our students will fulfill the success of passing exams such as ABRSM with the highest scores.

Teacher Playing Piano
Violin Class
Guitar Lessons
Flute Lessons

Piano 鋼琴老师:

Violin 小提琴老师:

Guitar 吉他老师:

Clarinet 黑管, 长笛, 古筝

Martial Arts Class
Ballerinas in Class
Creative Class
Children Singing in a Choir

太极老师 / 跆拳道老师:

Dance 舞蹈老师:

Singing 唱歌老师:


Happy Arts & Science Center Contact



At Happy Arts Science Center, our attentive staff is available Monday through Sunday to answer all of your questions and ensure you are 100% satisfied.

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​Tel: 718-888-9968 




Operation Hours

Mon-Thur - 12:00 pm – 9:00pm

Fri - 12:00 pm – 10:00pm

Sat -  9:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Sun - 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm


From Manhattan:在Time Square或Grand Central乘坐7号线,到终点站Main St下车,然后沿着Main St 往南走到图书馆,然后再沿着Kissena Blvd走至Cherry Ave,往左转进。

From Bronx: 乘坐Q44至终点站Main St下车,然后同上。

From Brooklyn:乘坐2号线或F车至Time Square或Roosevelt Ave转乘7号线直至Main St,然后同上。

© 2020 by Happy Arts Science Center. 

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